The Quill and the Crowbar

Monday, January 16, 2006

Why The Bible and Evolution Don't Mix

This article will have to begin with a disclaimer. Christians who do science and still hold to an old-earth theory very often do solid research opposing evolution.
Although many young-earth creationists disagree with them strongly, most of them would not deny theistic evolutionists the right hand of fellowship. This post definitely doesn't intend to demean followers of Christ who are still sincerely working through the significance of Genesis as it relates to origins.

With all that said . . . the Bible does not allow for millions and billions of years, evolution, or ongoing evolution. God said for the organisms to reproduce organisms of their own kind. There is no allowance for a fish turning into a reptile or a reptile turning into a bird. It just didn't happen that way. Not only do we not see this going on now, but evidence is not found for such transitioning and change of species anywhere in the world. A century and a half searching has not turned up anything (except for a few hoaxes and misrepresentations) to support such outlandish changes.

Let's look at Genesis, the place a believer goes before visiting science to see how creation took place. Between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2 is the time period theistic evolutionists use for the millions and billions of years needed for gradualism and uniformitarianism, natural selection and mutation to account for micro changes to translate into macro or species changes. Where the purpose or plan comes into play for evolutionists is a whole another question, but we will deal with the space between these first two verses in Genesis. We recognize very quickly that the earth has no light shining on it at this point. There are no plants or animals. There has been no mention of micro-organisms which can live in such darkness and cold, or which can live in the darkness and in the water which covers the earth. Add to this the fact that pain and death through predation or natural causes couldn't have happened yet because this all came into existence after Eve and then Adam disobeyed God and humanity inherited the consequences. Partially formed organisms dying awful deaths also couldn't come under the heading of "good." We remember that God declared his creation of life as just that.

Then comes the listing of what God made on each day of creation. We see that the first day originated before the sun, the moon and the stars were created. I believe the order is very precise. God intended it that way. If we cannot trust Him with the order of creation events, then why do we trust Him in the plan of redemption and all the details of the virgin birth, Christ's sinlessness, His sacrifice and the resurrection? In fact, the salvation plan goes back to what happened in Genesis chapters 1-11. God said, before the sun, moon, and stars were created, "The evening and the morning was the first day." Also, for those who would stretch that day out in what is called the day/age theory, what does the evening refer to if not to nightfall to dawn beneath whatever light God used before putting in the celestial objects to rule the day and the night? Isn't it interesting that God will not use the sun to brighten our future days in Heaven? He will be the light eternally. God did not have to have the sun and moon to mark time for us. Our finite minds might see that as a necessity, but the God who spoke all things into existence doesn't see things as we see them.

On the second day of creation, God separated the waters from the waters by placing a firmament in between (the nature of that firmament has been much debated). Confirmation, however, of a vast amount of water on or above the earth and water on or below the earth has been made. This accounts for the vast quantity of water that would abide above all the mountaintops of the earth at the time of the Great Deluge in Noah's day. We notice that God defines the length of the day. It seems He doesn't want us to misconstrue His meaning. The evening and the morning was the second day!

At this point, God places the water within boundaries and makes the dry land appear. Next, we can envision the plants appearing all over the world. The One who brought Lazarus out of the tomb with a shout in an instant could have called all creation into existence in less time. After all, He is altogether "Other." He made time. He exists outside of time. He had some other reason to use a regular earth week for this project.

Now that the salad is served up and everything has the propagation principle intact, it is time for the things that like their fruit and veggies. They are also producing oxygen beneath the light of their first sunless day. God is their light. By the way, biologists notice today that many plants actually depend on insects and animals for their existence. They can't live very long without that symbiotic relationship. Neither can the organisms that live on them. They can't wait even thousands of years for the animal life to begin. The evening and the morning was the third day.

To further reveal His power and the fact that He is the Great Provider, God created the sun, the moon and the stars. These were made to further demonstrate His glory and care. (Too bad so many missed the point and turned to worshipping these heavenly bodies instead of the One who made them.) The plants thrived for a day under God's beneficent light, but on that next day God put in place those big lights to rule the day and night, and in case we still haven't understood what "yom" means, the evening and the morning was the fourth day.

Only up to two regular earth days before, God had created the plants. The bodies of water, rivers and so on are staying in their boundaries so the next part of the creation may drink and bathe but not be drowned. Now God made the water creatures and those that fly in the heavens. Less poetically put, God made the fish and the birds. Evidently, though, there were other organisms living in the sea we would not call fish. Both the waters of the world and the skies teemed with creatures which--like the plants--could reproduce from seed of their own kind and beget creatures only of their own kind. This is written in stone. We go most anywhere in the world and this is exactly what we see written in the fossil record. Nothing has changed. God said reproduce yourselves and everything followed orders. After all, even the dumb plants and animals know how to get it right. Man? Now that is a different story!

Notice that the birds came on this day of creation. Every type of bird that was to ever inhabit the earth. Not a single solitary bird would ever turn into some other type of animal, and no-one who knows the Bible should ever doubt that! The evolutionary idea that reptiles or mammals turned into birds violates the order of creation. Birds were created before land animals. (Incidentally, the archaeoptyrix--or however you spell it--never existed. Just another hoax of the evolution religion). And the evening and morning was the fifth day. Why does God keep reminding us of this? Did He know that people in the last days would learn to love a lie more than the Lord? Did He know that the same rebellious mentality that caused the haters of Christ to reject and crucify Him, even after knowing He had done all manner of wonderful miracles, reigns supreme in other atheists and agnostics? Did He know that scientists can deceive people into thinking that science is above deceit? The evening and the morning was the fifth day.

If day six hadn't happened, Moses couldn't have recorded Genesis from the records of bygone years since the beginning. Evolution would certainly never have produced Adam, Eve, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob or any of the writers or people of the Bible, and we wouldn't have been here to read it. God created the land creatures in all their fantastic variety. They would change a bit according to how they paired. God allowed for this variability in their genetic makeup, but they would only produce offspring within God's ordained limits.They began munching on their salad and fruit and didn't even think about eating each other. There was no bloodshed before the fall of Adam and Eve.

God affirmed that all He had made up to this point was good, but He created something He would call "very good" since made in His own image. He made Adam from the dust of the ground. Then He made Eve. Their job was to take care of the earth and commune with God. Adam named all the animals. Some task, but we are talking about perfect man with an incredible intellect! It is a myth of evolution that our first ancestors dragged their knuckles in the dust and grunted at each other. Utterly foolish! Only haters of God could even imagine such a thing. Oh, we find peoples around the world who have degenerated after the beginning. Romans 1 tells us they grew depraved because they decided to dismiss God from their minds and go after false idols. God gave them over to a reprobate mind. White paper should never hold such ugly print as describes how far man has fallen since his perfect beginning. Cain's murder of his brother,Abel,is mother's cherry pie compared to how beastly Godless beings can behave when they put their minds to it. The Bible says "The thoughts or their hearts (are) evil continually." To get to sleep, they count the evil deeds they will do instead of sheep.

Everything was declared good. The creation of man was declared very good! God had completed his work in six days. It all had to follow in the exact order in which he performed it. The evening and the morning was the sixth day.

Adam's birthday was on the sixth day. God rested on the seventh day. Adam lived 930 years. The generations from Adam continues as recorded in Genesis and elsewhere in the Bible, including the New Testament. That leaves absolutely no room for the millions and billions of years--none, no way theistic evolutionists can succeed in their attempts to put in a shoehorn and shove. It won't work. The old earth theory and the young earth theory shouldn't try to live in the same house.

Atheistic evolutionists won't care enough to try to harmonize scripture and evolution. Some of them recognize the absurdity of us Christians trying to do so. They say our faith is dead when we compromise with them.

In Exodus 20, God confirms His reason for using six literal days for creation and then resting on the seventh. The Jews keep that seventh day according to God's law. Most every people on earth follow the seven day week pattern. Who institued this? That has been the subject of this article: Our Great Provider, God.



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