The Quill and the Crowbar

Monday, January 23, 2006

Jesus told the disciples to allow the little children to come unto Him. Any religion, educational system, theory of origins, judicial system, government, political system, entity of any kind, or any individual who comes between God and His little ones is an especial enemy of God. It is no small thing to subvert little ones into beliefs or lifestyles that confuse their relationship with the Lord. It were better for these entities and individuals to have "a millstone tied around their necks and to be thrown into the depths of the sea." The condemnation of such people is just.

Jesus loves the little children;
All the children of the world.
Red, and yellow, black, and white,
They are precious in His sight.
Jesus loves the little children of the world.

Jesus loves us adults, too. Jesus knew how each of us who once were little children would grow up to be. We have done great wickedness. In spite of that, He loves every one of us enough to have offered Himself on that cruel cross on Golgotha Hill, just outside Jerusalem, nearly 2000 years ago. He gives eternal life to all of us who trust in Him, who believe He is the Son of God Who took upon himself the sins of the world so God would not hold our sins against us.

The Christian Bible tells clearly how this happens.It is a wonderful thing to have one's sins forgiven. I remember when it happened to me. I felt like a little child again. It was a miracle of change. A heavy weight of sin lifted off me when Christ came to live in the body he had created through Adam, and then redeemed from sin through the second Adam, Jesus Christ.

I was a slave to sin, but now I have a new Master. He loves me. He died on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins, and resurrected from the grave to purchase a place for me in Heaven. The best Father of all adopted me into His family. He chose me. It is a wonderful thing to be an adopted son or daughter of God.


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