The Quill and the Crowbar

Monday, February 06, 2006

Large Picts from Top:

No.1 This shows Martian landscape resembling the cratered moon. Because of the many impacts, the scientists theorize millions and millions of years. The edges of the craters aren't worn down. We have craters within craters. Obviously, each major impact should produce a tremendous amount of dust that should obliterate and soften crater edges. There is only evidence of a great number of impacts. They could have happened close together, even within decades or thousands of years. That agrees pretty well with Walt Brown's theory that ice and rock thrown out by the earth during the Great Flood, may have caused the "damage" we see here. To me, It looks like a young solar system after all

No.2 This second picture is evidence of an enormous amount of solid carbon dioxide/ice in the form of a Martian polar cap. Looks like some wierd mountain-climbing country. The "ice" must be thousands of feet high if we figure we are actually seeing the curvature of Mars. So much carbon dioxide must have originated from a lot of water. Where is the water and where did it come from?

No. 3 Floating plates look something like ice shapes in a sea such as we find here on earth. These may not have evaporated on Mars because of the heavy coating of dust covering the expanses. The scarcety of craters is presumed to mean a relatively young Martian landscape. We notice how different this is from the first picture. It is best to discount any guesses about the Martian surface based on presuppositions. Evolutionists consistently interpret phenomena through gradual uniform processes over millions and billions of years. Creationists go back to a six day creation and cataclysmic changes. Incredible extremes of force, heat, cold, pressure, stress, friction, velocity are often discounted by evolutionists. It all starts with whether the beholder trusts man for his science (who wasn't there in the beginning) or trusts God who spoke everything into existence.

No4 The criss-crossed segmented looking picture seems to have no rhyme or reason. God only knows for sure why it looks like this. It could be from upheaval from beneath the Martian crust akin to how our mountains were pushed upward. Evidently it adds nothing to the search for water on and beneath the Martian crust, but it intrigues us earthlings.

No.5 The dry looking terrain with the small rocks scattered everywhere is another waterless-looking feature of this solar system neighbor. Actually, it may something important, though. It doesn't look like there was a global sea of water covering Mars in the beginning like there was on earth.

*Please look at other pictures of Mars further down in the entire blog. They clearly show evidence of vast amounts of water that have disappeared from the Martian surface.


If the water didn't come locally from beneath the ground on Mars, perhaps the few places showing evidence of past massive amounts of water washing across the surface were a result of great comets (now known to be comprised of ice and dust), and ice bearing meteors plummeting down with payloads of water. It is best to recall that rock, sediment, dust, and water escaping the earth's atmosphere would freeze to almost absolute zero in the near vacuum of space. Dispersed material would tend to clump as it traveled through space, based on the law of gravity, to form larger rock and ice masses. Even asteroids, once thought to be great chunks of dense rock, may be huge bodies with a relatively low mass. The writer of In the Beginning: compelling evidence for the creation and the flood, predicts mining the asteroids for heavy metals will be a waste of time since these bodies originated from back here inside the earth. Sound strange? So does a worldwide flood in which the floodgates of heaven and the fountains of the deep opened up just a few thousand years ago. If we think about molten rock from volcanos spewing high into the atmosphere and covering hundreds of square miles with magma and ash, we might try imagining compressed water, rock, and steam from miles beneath the surface of the earth rupturing up through the crust. Evidence of a worldwide flood is all around us. God's Word says it is true. Water abode above the tops of all the mountains. The world's surface churned and swirled, mountains were thrust up, valleys formed, all but a few people and animals survived God's wrath against sin.

Other articles at the Quill and Crowbar blogsite deal with the question about a literal interpretation of Genesis. The only thing more incredible than this is the fantastic idea of evolution through billions and billions of years to bring living organisms from nothing--no designer, no design, no purpose, no love, no future, no meaning, chaos, hopelessness, dust to dust and fear of deathl.


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