The Quill and the Crowbar

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Inactive. But Still Effective.

This blog has been inactive for some time. However, it has netted quit a few individuals who have chosen to post anonymously or with their online profiles.

For the most part, the comments are typical atheist strategy; easily refuted and often guilty of the same accusations that they press (performative contradictions abound).

The ones that disturb are from the Christians who rather arrogantly claim to have had their eyes opened by the "beauty of evolution" through their coveted Christian universities. Almost invariably, these folks post anonymously. The usual song and dance is 'I learned evolution from godly men and women!' Very nice for you... Typically, they then proceed to denounce the original author of this blog as uneducated, uncouth and irrelevant. Balderdash.

In all of your Christianized and educated refinement, please consider John Whitmore at Cedarville University; a creation geologist. Or perhaps consider the multitude of scientists that have signed onto the creationism cause at

Though the original author of this blog has departed to a happier world, I'm glad to see that he stills raises the dander of Christians who sit on fences.

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