The Quill and the Crowbar

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Death of Henry Morris

Subject: Henry Morris

Friends of Henry Morris say the founder of the modern Christian creationist movement has died in California at the age of 87. Kentucky-based Answers in Genesis says Morris's son sent an e-mail notifying friends and associates that his father died Saturday night in the presence of his children. Henry Morris had been hospitalized earlier this month after suffering a series of strokes. Morris's 1961 book, The Genesis Flood, helped launch the modern creationist movement, which holds to belief in a seven-day creation less than ten-thousand years ago and a biblical worldwide flood. He also founded the Institute for Creation Research, where he remained president emeritus after his retirement. [AP]

Personal Note: Many years ago a young teacher took one of Henry Morris's books to a security job position at a landfill where business was very slow and it was okay to read while keeping an eye on the place. The name of the book was Scientific Creationism. It was a heavy book and not easy reading for a person soaked in evolutionary thought. That book, however, broke a bondage the public schools and OSU imposed on the young man. His eyes were opened to the truth of Genesis. Decades later the remembered joy of that eye-opening experience is still worth celebrating. The gray-haired man loves the Lord who made all things. Without Christ, nothing was made that is made.

Many Christians have not been liberated from world system lies. Every time they go to the Bible they go with mistrust of the One who inspired it. Every time they try to insert millions and billions of years in between verse 1 and 2 of Genesis 1, or insert long ages in among the literal six days of creation, they call their Savior and Lord a deceiver.

Please examine what the soldiers of Creation science are presenting. Hundreds and hundreds of them were once evolutionists like the young man with that heavy book at the landfill. Henry Morris helped lead them out of darkness. He blazed a trail for the Truth. We won't forget him.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Twice the Water?

'Mars meets all the requirements to support life'

(By Jonathan Amos BBC News Online science staff in Denver)

If the water-ice hidden just below the Martian surface were to melt, it would create a planet-wide sea ankle-deep, scientists have said. The latest findings from the Mars Odyssey spacecraft now in orbit around the Red Planet were released here at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). The spacecraft's instruments have been trained on the Martian soil for nearly a year.

Evidence of recent running water? The data collected has allowed researchers to complete their first global map of where hydrogen (a signature for water) is hidden just below the planet's surface. "It's become increasingly clear that Mars has enough water to support future human exploration," said Bill Friedman, whose Los Alamos National Laboratory runs the neutron spectrometer on Odyssey. "In fact, there's enough to cover the entire planet to a depth of at least five inches [13 cm], and we've only analysed the top few feet of soil."

The map shows that from 55 degrees latitude to the poles, Mars has extensive deposits of soil that are rich in water-ice, bearing an average of 50% water by mass. In other words, one kilogram of soil would yield half a kilo of water if it were baked in an oven by, for example, astronauts who needed drinking water to sustain themselves on the planet.

The Los Alamos instrument detects neutrons generated when cosmic rays slam into the atoms that make up the Martian soil. Different atoms give off neutrons with specific energies. By looking for the signature of hydrogen - a major constituent of water molecules - Odyssey can infer the presence of water-ice near the poles and hydrated minerals in lower latitudes.

These are exciting times for Mars researchers. There are good indications that, on occasions, water still runs across the surface of the planet. The Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft, which has been in orbit much longer than Odyssey, has detected what look like channels and river valleys. The data all support the current theory that the Martian surface was once wetter and warmer than it is now. Dr Maria Zuber, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, told the BBC: "People are now starting to think it's possible that Mars might even have had twice as much water initially when it accreted than the Earth did and that's very exciting indeed."

Researchers have yet to explain satisfactorily where all the water went. If much of it now appears to be in sub-surface soils, they need to work out how it got there.

Professor Bruce Jakosky, of the University of Colorado, told the AAAS: "Mars meets all the environment requirements to be able to support life: liquid water, availability of all the elements out of which you would construct life and a source of energy that could be able to support metabolism. "That doesn't prove there's life on Mars but it says it's plausible and not a stupid idea to go and look." The US and European space agencies are preparing to launch landers to the planet later this year.


Just another pipedream by vested scientists? That's a lot of H2O! The evolutionary, wishful-thinking thread runs so true, that we are left scratching our heads at each new discovery. Life on Mars? Perhaps. But if it is found, how will these scientists explain it? For sure they will go lusting after what lies further beneath the surface. Then begins the cataloging of every bit of speculative fiction on that world. These scientists will so salivate over their discoveries they will deposit microbes all over the place. Nothing is so chock full of science as scientist drool.

It will never enter their minds that the water may have come from another planet as is explained in Walt Brown's book In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for the Creation and the Flood. Of course, any micro-organisms showing up in the supposed water will have had to survive a mighty long trip at temperatures near the absolute zero of space. The surface erosion indicative of past flowing water on Mars is pretty minimal compared to the planet's entire surface. If our future astronauts to Mars want drinking water, they had better provision themselves from Terra Firma. It might be a thousand miles to the first water-soaked soil from where they put down on the red planet.

That word, "acretion" back there in the article reveals the main rationale for their research. We are to assume that Mars made itself through laws that set themselves in motion. It is a big thing that grew out of the pinpoint of matter present before the Big Bang (All the water in the ocean couldn't make the ink evolutionists would like to see used to enlarge upon that idea.)

Where in the universe did that idea come from that Mars might have had twice the water on it than the earth did? I imagine from the same reservoir of gray matter that dreamed up links between ape and man, or from the same kind of reasoning that had people back in the 1800s thinking that the frozen mammoths discovered around the Arctic Sea lived inside the earth like moles.

At least Walt Brown's book attempts to systematically describe things in a global way. When are our highly subsidized geologists, paleontologists, anthropologists, and others of that ilk going to present us a comprehensive picture of origins that makes sense, that includes global research detailing the physics and the complexity of design, that explains what we currently see all around us? We swallow the spin from their ooh and ah speculation, but digest nothing much more substantive than the tail of a comet. Those things have so little matter they don't even cast shadows. Hopefully, the analogy ends there. Those comet tails also extend for millions and millions of miles.

Comments are encouraged. Perhaps you are excited about the prospect of life on Mars and my commentary seems crass, almost sacrilegious. Let me know.
If you are young, perhaps you will go to our neighboring world someday (wish I could go, too). If you do, remember to pack plenty of water.

Flock of Priests

I knew a muttonhead who beat his sheep
And made them plaintively bleat and bleat;

But I knew a preacher who taught his flock
The Truth the Devil is zealous to mock,

A brother building fellow priests,
Not treating them as greater, less, or least,

Who loved them so he would not stand
On status quo or shifting sand,

Much grieved that any friend should fall,
A model for preachers by the name of Paul.

Olympics of the Heart

Depression is an embalmment
in tears and fears for self.
Godly grief is God-given
and God approved.
It focuses
on the interests of others.
It is relieved
to see joy
rise in others' hearts.
When God wins
I win.
God wins.
We win.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Christians Framed for Murder

One of our Gospel for Asia native missionaries and several other believers are in jail today because of a radical Hindu plot to frame them for the murder of a child!>>Even as the open persecution of Christians in India continues to increase, this is a new low in the efforts of these extremists to stop the spread of the Gospel. Now, more than ever, powerful prayer is needed to battle this spiritual evil!>>The 16-month-old child was suffering from a prolonged illness and was under medical care near Udaipur, Rajasthan. Because the parents had quarreled with the pastor's family over some land, when the child died the radical Hindus saw an opportunity to place the blame on the Christians.>>Apparently, members of the local Hindu nationalist political party advised the parents to dash their dead child's body against some rocks, breaking its bones. They then took the body to a doctor for a post-mortem examination.>>Only after threats from the radical Hindus did the physician reluctantly file a false report, citing murder as the cause. Then the radicals advised the parents to file murder charges against Pastor Kasota and 10 other Believers Church members, including four other pastors, saying the murder was part of a plot to grab land for a church building.>>My dear friend, this terrible incident is just one more example of how desperate the radical Hindus are in their efforts to stop lost people from hearing the Good News of Jesus Christ.>>As I have said many times before, this is a spiritual battle, and such battles can only be won through prayer and fasting. So I call on you today to pray for these, our Christian brothers and sisters. Please pray that the accused will be granted bail, and that the police and courts will see through this sinister plot by the radicals.>>Pray also that God will protect our pastors, their families and church members during this tense time. Pray that this incident will not be a hindrance to the sharing of the Gospel, and that this trap will be used by God for good, according to His purpose.>>Thank you for your prayers at this critical time.>>K.P. Yohannan>Founder & President>Gospel for Asia

Friday, February 24, 2006

Well Poisoned

Well Poisoned

Here of a morning by the marge of the pool
Gamboled little lambs of the Golden Rule.
Here sat the shepherds of the unwary eye
Talking to their flocks and those passing nearby.

Green was the valley, glad was the day,
Bright were the eyes of the innocents at play.
Clean swept the breezes around the tender limbs,
Rushes sang softly the soothingest of hymns.

Happy charmed the valley by whippoorwill and bee.
Merry purled the rivulets toward the crystal sea.
An azure sky of promise beckoned angels’ show,
Who loved to fly hither where joy was meant to go.

God once broke and shared loaves and fishes of His grace,
Blessing all with plenty in the sunshine of the place;
But now broods the valley in the chill of frosty morn.
El sol has lost his pallor, la luna peers forlorn.

Bereft of boon companions, unseen by liquid eyes,
Bleach white the bones of used-to-bes into the turbid skies.
Death treads the valley midst stench of foul decay
That sickens through the nights crowding out the day.

Shepherds yawned as Tolerance brought his flask to the spring.
He smirked enigmatically and poured the entire thing
Of heroin, strychnine, of arsenic’s deadly dose,
Compound to dull the senses, concoction to kill the most.

Now, in the haunts of might-have-been, trapped in the woe of is
Silently dwell the poisoned, barred from His well of bliss.
Here lie haughty proud beside unwary ignorance.
Their epitaph says it all: We Welcomed Tolerance.


Thursday, February 23, 2006

What Evangelicals Really Want in Society


Who are Evangelicals and what do they want? That is the question being asked since the 2004 elections and the staggering success of The Passion. Although Evangelicals include a wide spectrum of American with very diverse views on the right and the left, the typical member is not as scary as one might think. More likely, your next door neighbor is one. The President of the National Association of Evangelicals defines an Evangelical as "a person who believes Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that the Bible is the Word of God, and that you must be born again." So a belief system defines the group. Ironically, nearly all of what are now called Mainline denominations once fervently shared these convictions, framing the core of our society the first hundred and fifty years. 1. Evangelicals fiercely believe in religious tolerance. Most would follow the basic tenets of 17th Century Roger Williams who had observed religious abuses and wanted a society free from religious persecution. Although the phrase Separation of Church and State is absent in the Constitution, the First Amendment is believed to have followed the concept of Williams in preventing government to involve itself in religion, not so much the other way around. Although Christ commanded every believer to evangelize, they also believe that their rights end with offering a choice. Evangelicals believe in what we call the free moral agency of humankind, meaning that God does not force Himself upon any person. Coerced faith is an oxymoron. No Evangelical I have ever met believes that we have a right to ram our religion down someones throat. We find ourselves mostly in agreement with Mark Twain, certainly no Evangelical, when he said, "It is by the goodness of God that in our country we have those three unspeakably precious things: freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, and the prudence never to practice either of them." Evangelicals are not seeking a theocracy. Contrary to many opinions, the great majority of Evangelicals would not favor a system of government where religious leaders rule. They understand that the framers had observed the abuses of power when one religion rules. History demonstrates when you have one state religion you have tyranny. When a nation has but two religions you have civil war, but many religions require harmony. 3. Evangelicals are not asking for favoritism. Although we want to freeze the demise of religious influence to maintain the residual of faith, we are not seeking a return to the 1800s. We do not believe it is healthy for the media or the public forum to rubber stamp everything that happens in the name of religion. As long as there are power and money, people will be corrupted. We are just asking for an even hand. American society has developed a mind set which has eliminated nearly all bashing of minorities, gays, immigrants, etc., except the berating of Evangelicals and Catholics is condoned. Some schools across the land have eliminated any vestige of Christmas, even secular symbols such as Santa and reindeer and even the colors green and red while welcoming with open arms all things related to Ramadan, Hanukkah, and the recent alternative to Christmas, Kwanza. Some children have been expelled for having a Bible on their desk in school while other schools designate a separate prayer room for Muslims. State-supported professors get their jollies in bashing religion while conservative professors don't even get hired. Why should it be constitutionally permissible to attack religion in public institutions and it is impermissible to defend the same? We just want a fair shake. 4. Evangelicals believe in the Founders view of America. Chief Architect of the Constitution James Madison said, "We have staked the whole future of American civilization on the power of government." Far from it! We have staked the future of all of our political institutions upon the capacity . . . of each and all of us to govern ourselves . . . according to the Ten Commandments of God. After his visit to America in 1835, Alexis de Tocqueville wrote, "Europeans practice religion from a barren traditionary faith which seems to vegetate in the soul rather than to live, but Americans combine the notions of Christianity and liberty so intimately that it is impossible to make them conceive of one without the other." There exists no country in the world where the Christian religion retains a greater influence over the souls of men than in America. As a result, while the law permits the Americans to do as they please, religion prevents them from conceiving, and forbids them to commit, what is rash or unjust. We hold dear the writing found in the Declaration of Independence that says that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, and that if these rights come from government, they can be taken away by government. But if they come from God, no man or government can take them away. Granted, many of us are slow learners and those rights were not construed to be extended to slaves and First Americans. But it was the burning in the heart of a preacher's kid, Harriet Beecher Stowe, that sparked a bloody conflagration that ended the sin of America. Long before it was codified as law, slavery was recognized as a national sin. America was born a Christian nation. "America was born to exemplify that devotion to the elements of righteousness which are derived from the revelations of the Holy Scripture," said Woodrow Wilson. Herbert Lehman said, "Democracy and religion stand or fall together. Where democracy has been destroyed, religion has been doomed. Where religion has been trampled down, democracy has ceased to exist . . . Tyrants have come and have had their day then have passed away while religion has survived them all." Justice of the Supreme Court William O. Douglas said in 1952, "We are a religious people whose institutions presuppose a Supreme Being." And if we believe the Supreme Court is infallible, listen to the most honored first Chief Justice John Jay, "Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty . . . of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers." Strangely enough, some current Senators now have the view that if a candidate for the Supreme Court is either Catholic or Evangelical, his religious views automatically disqualify him for that position. Ironically, Moses and the Ten Commandments are depicted on the East Pediment of the Supreme Court Building, the same building in which they rule against the display of the Ten Commandments! There is a conscious and vicious onslaught to remove every vestige of Judeo-Christian values and symbols from our government despite our long history of religious influence. Even now, in Federal Court, is a suit to remove In God We Trust from our coinage and Under God from our pledge. 5. Evangelicals don't want to impose their brand of religion on society. They do not believe it is their brand. Take the issue of Gay Marriage. Every society since beginning of time, whatever your interpretation of when time began, held to the premise that marriage was between one man and one woman with some polygamy exceptions. We believe that the strength of a nation is built upon the strength of our families. As we have seen welfare replace the father in the home, we have seen the demise of the family and our nation. We are not asking or seeking a return to sodomy laws any more than we want to outlaw smoking, but we do not believe that elevating gay marriage to the level of sacred and sanctioned union is healthy for our nation. To oppose gay marriage is no more gay bashing than is the forbidding of a drag queen from using the women's room. We are not rewriting societal standards, they are. We are also against abortion. By why? We don't see a magical point in gestation where life begins except conception. Where is the logic in defining an unborn baby a human at the point the mother chooses? If she doesn't want the baby, she can take its life up until seconds before she is naturally born. But if she wants the baby it is human. If a baby is killed in an abortion clinic, it is a woman's right to choose. If that same baby is killed on the way to the abortion clinic, it is vehicular homicide. The Solomonic wisdom just oozes from that paradox. A fourteen-year-old requires parental consent to take an aspirin in school, but can be hauled across state-lines for a life-threatening surgery without a parent's knowledge. Yet, most Americans seem to agree basic issues surrounding abortion. If you consider that no Evangelical I know would prevent an abortion to save the life of the mother, many would remain silent on the issue of rape or incest, and a substantial majority of Americans do not believe abortion should be used as birth control, the Evangelical position is in no way extreme. 6. Evangelicals believe in absolute truth. Epistemology is the branch of philosophy dealing with the origin of knowledge. Since we believe humans are finite, we would prefer to base our view of life on something extra-human. We choose the Bible as that source as opposed to the intellectual meanderings of a cult leader, philosophers who base their life views upon their personal frame of references, or even Jerry or Oprah. Most of us believe in the Creation story, not just because some evolutionists admit that their view is just the best viable alternative to God, but because we see the world as too complex to be understood by theories that cannot be replicated in a lab. We believe that true science and properly interpreted scripture are in concurrence. Evolutionists can in no way credibly explain where the ingredients for the Big Bang came from any more than we can explain where God came from. In tennis, that score would be called love. Our view of the Constitution comes from our view of Biblical Interpretation. It is our task to discover the original intent or the writers. Also, the admissions of two Supreme Court justices that foreign law may be required to interpret the Constitution is seen as ludicrous to us as calling upon the Koran to help interpret our Bible. 7. Neither are Evangelicals anti-Semitic. We do believe that Christ is the way to Heaven. Many religions believe their way is exclusive, i.e., Islam. But just because we cannot legitimate one's faith doesn't mean we assign to that person less than full humanity. Although far too many pre-WWII people were anti-Semitic, Evangelicals now are Israel's strongest allies and greatly respect Jews everywhere. Evangelicals have been accused, due to what is called dispensational perspectives of the future, of trying to push Israel into Armageddon, an earth destroying war. I associate with Evangelicals of all stripes and have never met a single Evangelical who shares that view. Conversely, we believe that we all have the responsibility to persistently make the world better because none of us has an inside track as to when Christ will return. 8. Evangelicals are charitable. In addition to having the highest percentage of church members who give 10 percent of their income to the church or charity, Evangelical causes out give other charities. The Salvation Army was the first on many locations when Katrina struck. Besides The Army, the names of Samaritan's Purse, Operation Blessing, and World Vision are among the most recognized relief organizations in the world. 9. An Evangelical View of the World: We believe that America is the wealthiest and most powerful nation, not because it is more deserving, but because its destiny is to be a steward. What nation in the world defeats its enemy and then spends its largess to rebuild the infrastructure of its enemies to become its major economic competitors? What nation in history has transformed more nations by sending missionaries with schools, hospitals, and churches around the world? What nation has ever spurned a greater freedom movement causing the proliferation of democracies around the world? While not perfect, we believe our nation is great and must remain great because of its giving and that the might and money of our wealthy nation must be used to better the world. Some religions send out a clarion call to zealots to strap a bomb on themselves and blow up innocent women and children. Our God calls His people to come and live and live to help others live abundantly. That is what an Evangelical believes and that is what an Evangelical must strive to be.- Dr. Clyde M. Hughes --Posted by CMH to
The Quill and the Crowbar at 2/22/2006 10:14:14 AM

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Unlimited Access (A book report)

Unlimited Access

Most of us missed an important book back during the mid-nineties. Gary Aldrich, former FBI agent assigned to White House security, wrote it based upon his experiences inside the Clinton White House. Whether Republican or Democrat, you may hate this book as much as I did. Don’t get me wrong. I admire the author’s stance. America has to know what he wrote! Our government can take steps to prevent what happened in this previous administration if our legislators have the courage to act soon. No way should we again allow the executive branch of government to become the filthy cage of every unclean beast!

Agent Aldrich experienced cultural shock when the Clinton hordes of appointees invaded the White House. Unlimited Access describes the problem faced by the FBI and the Secret Service. Accustomed in previous administrations to doing extensive background checks and interviews to protect the executive office, Aldrich and others soon found out the newcomers refused to cooperate. They didn’t have to; Hillary Clinton thwarted those attempting to keep the first family safe and the country’s classified documents secure. She and her aides also ruthlessly purged the White House of trusted permanent employees in favor of radical elements dredged from past acquaintances.

Individuals with extensive drug use, theft and other questionable behaviors kept their jobs. Subnormal dress, slovenly behavior, sexual deviancy and defiance against authority are emphasized throughout the book. None of this had been tolerated in the previous Bush years. According to Aldrich, character meant nothing to the administration fostering a 60's style radicalism.They willfully disregarded basic standards of decency and made a mockery of the honor and traditions of the top U.S. office.

Sadly, the FBI heads and congress didn’t act decisively to enforce security during the Clinton years. White House security turned into a conspiracy to damage anyone attempting to delve into the ugly secrets of the new regime. When an agent admonished Chelsea for calling the Secret Service and FBI agents “pigs,” she told him her parents always referred to them that way. This squares with the traitorous anti-United States counterculture back in the Vietnam War era. They refused to accept any jurisdiction over them. Bill Clinton spent time at Oxford protesting against the United States as part of the leftist VMC (Vietnam Moratorium Committee). Hillary shared Bill’s anti-establishment views and participated in similar activities at Wellesley and then Yale. As a law intern at Yale she assisted a law firm working to free members of the Black Panthers from incarceration. Agent Aldrich reported that the Clintons blocked access to college records. Evidently full disclosure of educational background and early associations might have proved embarrassing for Bill and Hillary.

The book contains much more on the recklessness and abuses of power by the Clintons. Aldrich alludes to the carelessness, sex, drugs, financial misdealings, violence of temper, and evil associations of the couple. He prepares a “background investigation” of both of them towards the end of the book--not an official report, but one done in the systematic way he would workup anyone slated for the White House. After cataloging a long list of failings, he comes to the rather humorous conclusion that neither Bill nor Hillary should ever be allowed a clearance pass to come on White House property. Anyone reading what the veteran FBI agent has written in Unlimited Access might come to a similar conclusion.

The three branches of government should act immediately to insure such a debacle never happens again. If, God forbid, we-the-people should ever elect such . . . (words fail me) to the highest office, the checks and balances must be enforced uniformly. It must become a crime at least as big as perjury for anyone to interfere with background checks and other security clearance procedures. Why not demand full disclosure from the outset? The political parties have a strong interest in fielding the right candidates. I believe Watergate was a mere, romper-room fiasco compared to the tragedy of the Clinton era. The country cannot stand another anti-God, anti-family, pro-perversion, anti-sanctity of life, pro-left, treasonous assault on all that is decent.

Gary Aldrich did what a patriot should do. He strove to protect and defend provisions of the Constitution of the United States. He worked diligently to make the system work. Other recent books corroborate much of the content of Unlimited Access. Many people out there can and should still testify to what happened in that presidency. They should come forward and stay forward. Also, it is the duty of the Democratic, Republican, and other aspiring parties to make character a real issue for those attempting to represent U.S citizens in future elections.

If the evil witch of Narnia had won out, there would have always been winter and never Christmas. Lord Sauron of Mordor got his comeuppance or Middle Earth would have remained the infernal eternal haunt of trolls, wargs, bolrogs, natzguls and orcs. Those who would make the United States of America a hell on earth to fulfill personal lusts for power should never again have such an easy plum to pick.

Gary Aldrich has founded The Patrick Henry Center for Individual Liberty
Several websites report on his current activities.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The Lively Fossil Fish

Enter the coelacanth stage right! For a fish known to be dead for 70,000,000 years by evolutionists--in fact, they used its fossils to index strata--the pictures of the fish caught in the Indian Ocean tell a different story. The first one was caught in 1938 and hundreds have been caught since. In 1987 a German team photographed six of the fish hundreds of feet down below sea level. Instead of being the missing link about to grow legs from its four bottom fins, the fish is just what the Lord made it to be a very few thousand years ago. If it had existed millions of years ago, it still wouldn't have been the ancestor for amphibians, reptiles, dinosaurs, birds and mammals the evolutionists purported it to be when they thought it was just a long dead fossil. To date, there are no discovered "missing links" or transitional forms. Even billions of years won't make them materialize. Surprise! God has a way of catching scientists in nets of their own making. These coelacanth didn't crawl around in shallow water so they could take leisurely strolls on the beach to scratch their fins just itching to turn into legs. Fish they were and fish they are and fish they will ever be. As Ken Ham of AIG (Answers in Genesis) says, "It was created to do what it does do and what it does do it does do very well, thank you."

The coelacanth is just one of the many "index fossils" evolutionists use to date the strata. The fossil dates the rock layer and the rock layer dates the index fossil. That seems to make sense when we glibly say it, even seems logical. The problem is, this is circular reasoning. It's like saying something is what it is. That's not too brilliant--especially when it turns out to be it isn't what it isn't--but it is passed off as good science.

Obviously this particular living fish could have been found fossilized at any place in the "geological column." How many school children, however, have been deluded into thinking the strata can be dated by index fossils? Worse still, how many more children will be "schooled" and tested in the same old lies? It looks like congress and our school boards here in Ohio and Pennsylvania care more about what "floats" than about truth. If education does anything, shouldn't it promote the truth?

Anyone who has a reasonable argument against what is written here . . . take it up with the coelacanth. If it could talk, it would say something like Mark Twain did in one of his humorous responses: "The news of my death has been greatly exaggerated." I reckon! Well, 70,000,000 years is only a minor inaccuracy for most evolutionists.

Humor aside, please leave a comment on this blog if you want to give evidence to refute anything here. Bashing us naive religious nuts can be great catharsis and real sport. Do that if you care to. But if you want to discuss the pros and cons of special creation vs evolution through examining the evidence, then I relish our interaction.
. . . . .
AIG (Answers in Genesis-on the web)
ICR (Institute of Creation Research-on the web)
In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence for the Creation and the Flood (on the web)

Look up coelacanth in a newer encyclopedia, or on the web.

A Young Sun and Earth

Many natural "clocks" tell us it is a young solar system after all, just as the Bible says. If anybody out there can deny the evidence that follows, could they please contact this blogspot and state why? Let the evidence speak for itself.

Our sun, according to observations taken from the Royal Greenwich Observatory and the U.S. Naval Observatory since 1836, has shrunken by about five feet per hour in diameter. Records of solar eclipses indicate this loss of girth has been ongoing for four-hundred years. Given the second law of thermodynamics that says that in a closed system everything loses heat, we must assume the reduction in diameter has most probably increased over time since the creation of the sun. After all, it was created to burn and give off heat. There is no known reason why there should have ever been a slowing of that rate.

This should be a colossal headache for old earthers or evolutionists. It demonstrates how only one factoid or datum can scuttle the leaky evolutionist ship.This "small" matter of the skinnying-up of the sun means the sun and life on earth is of recent origin. Work backwards and add five feet in diameter to the sun each hour and the distance between the earth and the sun shortens dramatically in, at most, a very few million years. No life could have existed here. This destroys the myth of the one-thousand million years and upward the evolutionists affirm it took for life to evolve on this planet.

If the sun is burning away--and it has to be since it is constantly giving off incredible amounts of energy--evolution is impossible. Other measurements have been taken that confirm the same expected phenomenon. One-tenth the rate of reduction in size would bring the same conclusion. If the sun shrank a half a foot a day, evolution in the time frame insisted upon by the evolutionists is impossible. Remember, those uniformitarian, gradualistic souls have upped the ante on old dates. They have realized that four and a half-billion years is inadequate to produce the incredible complexity God has spoken into existence in six literal days a few thousand years ago.

No way! I would sooner believe that all creation is a figment of our non-existant imaginations than swallow the bizarre lie of evolution.

Please comment. Do you have evidence about the reduction of the sun that counters what is stated above? If you do not, I heartily recommend that you join in investigating the other evidence of young origins you will find at this site, AIG, ICR, in Walt Brown's Book: Compelling Evidence for the Creation and the Flood and through other Creationist and Intelligent Design sources.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Gospel for Asia Update

Increased Attacks on Christians in India:

Another update from the President of Gospel for Asia. (By the way, if any of you weren't already aware, K.P. Yohannan may be based out of the U.S., but he is Indian by ethnicity and lived there before moving to the States to start GFA.)

[GFA Urgent Update] Film Missionaries Attacked
February 10, 2006

In the past few weeks, we have received a growing number of reports from India about
increased persecution of believers. It seems as if the radical Hindus have all
but declared war on Christians.

In the latest incident, two of our missionaries in Haryana were attacked as they
were showing the Man of Mercy film about Jesus. More than 200 villagers had gathered
to watch the film in the courtyard of a believer's home when a group of young Hindu
militants attacked and started beating the missionaries.

One, named William, is the pastor of a Believers Church, and the other, Eno, works
in the Gospel for Asia film ministry.

Some of those watching the film tried to rescue the believers, but they, too, were
cruelly beaten. The police came and took control of the situation, but as soon as
they left, about 1,000 radicals surrounded the house, shouting anti-Christian slogans
and threatening the believers. Miraculously, God intervened and the owner prevented
them from entering his property.

My friend, if this were an isolated incident, it would still be extremely serious.
But it is worse. All across India, Hindu radicals are openly attacking Christians,
and the situation is getting more and more difficult for the believers.

Please let us pray for this particular situation and plead for God's divine intervention.
Pray for William and Eno, that they will not be discouraged and may be strengthened
to carry forward His ministry.

And please pray that all across India, God's love will touch and transform those
who would spread the darkness of hate over the nation.

Yours for the lost of Asia,

K.P. Yohannan
Founder & President
Gospel for Asia

P.S. Even in the midst of these problems, God is working His miracles. Click this
link to read about the miraculous release of the native missionary who was kidnapped
in late January.

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If you received this email as a forward and would like to sign up, please visit
our website at and join over 175,000 Christians around
the world who receive GFA's email update!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Roadmaps to Heaven or Hell

Roadmaps to Heaven or Hell

I’m of the opinion that throwing out opinions with a scoop shovel doesn’t increase their weight. Take this from an expert on the subject. You’re probably and expert, too, since the standard equipment for delivering lots of opinions is open ears and an open mouth. At the very least, we can give an opinion about blather. Psychobabble and gobbledygook also qualify. Most of us have guilty lips and we live in a country of guilty lips, and we know that some people should be more ashamed than others. Of course, we minimally guilty ones have an excuse: all those people who have itching ears to hear what we say about things we know next to nothing about.

A Fit to Print

I know scripture avers
Where you find many words
There’s bound to be sin,
But there’s still ink in my pen.

Most of us know how important an informed opinion can be. We take our toothache to the dentist rather than to Uncle George who says he can yank it out with a string and a doorknob. We prefer a vet for our pets; an M.D. for ourselves. Who wants to doctor with someone who puts patients to “sleep?” A good tax man or woman may get us the return we crave if we have complex financial circumstances. No matter how much she insists, Aunt Nelly can’t do it for us with her short form. She might only succeed in earning us an audit or the slammer. Cook us a delicious dinner? Maybe. It depends how much time she has spent in the kitchen.

A big name pumps heads. People may accept big names as on a par with deity, but I’m of the opinion that a good breath of fresh air is better than breathing in the fumes of a pompous eclectic guru. I want to find out whether they majored or minored in what I want to know. Not just academic credentials, but life experiences, careers, personal passions, research, long-standing avocations; these signify the true expert.

Dr. Phil will never hear me ask him about the Christian faith. He assiduously avoids the subject. Same for Oprah. Actually, I wouldn’t even ask them what constitutes a good marriage or how to raise nice children until I looked at their success on these two fronts. I once had speech therapists on staff, and could generally tell parents what they did in public schools, but the finer points of therapy were beyond me. Just as well ask Elmer Fudd with his r/w confusion and Daffy Duck with his lateral lisp . . . or Tom Cruise. By the way, would you seek out Cruise or Ron L. Hubbard for directions to the Celestial City? How about a roadmap to Hades?

Some rather exotic ideas about the poor, sex, the war in Iraq, motherhood, and personal fulfillment come out of Hollywood. Please pass the slop bucket! Funny that the art of acting or the sweat of sports can transform a human being into an encyclopedia exhaustive of morals and religion! Somehow that miracle takes place when the celebrity is watered with money and fame. They spread like kudzu. Just basking in their light imparts to their devotees a duffel bag of secondhand opinions. Big experts engender lots of little faux experts.

For those unconvinced that TV and movie-star saturation of children may be harmful to their mental and moral growth and development . . . wait . . . I don’t have an opinion powerful enough. It’s something like staring at a great boulder to try and make it move a la Yoda. I powerfully raise my hands to loft the granite monster and wind up banging my head against it till I see lightening flashing and stars shooting. At least I tried. The pump-knot on my head must mean something.

The Veggie Tales pirates “who don’t do anything” are cute. They admit they haven’t been anywhere, yet sing out their naive opinions as if they are truths. We don’t expect to hear any false statistics or unsubstantiated opinions from a talking cucumber. How many of us who forgot exactly what percentage of Eskimos now have kerosene lamps instead of blubber oil will take a shot at it, anyhow, when push comes to shove. When you do this, don’t round it off to the nearest ten. It impresses more people when you say with the utmost assurance, “Thirty-four percent as of August 1998 according to National Geographic. Don’t quote me on that.

Knowing the jargon and buzzwords really helps those of us who haven’t the faintest idea what we are talking about—some call this talking out of school. The poor old evolutionists spin out some of the most awesome stuff. In a movie by NOVA about a troupe climbing Mt. Kilamanjaro, the narrator liberally salts the steeps manifesting plants and animals with “evolved.” No explanatory notes, just “evolved.” The NOVA and the National Geographic people obviously have a quota to fill. If an animal has size, shape, coloration, habits –surprisingly, all of them do—then the blessed things “evolved.” Here comes a lizard! Wow! Look how it “evolved!” That monkey up there “evolved” a tail to swing on limbs. This big three- armed plant that looks a little like a southwestern cactus “evolved.” Now that’s not so tough. A freshman college student majoring in modern dance can talk about how the art has evolved. You can be anything at all and a scientist at the same time with the right scientific buzzwords.

If the “evolved” key to social repartee grows old, more mathematical types of evolutionists can throw in a few billions of years worth of trade goods. That alluvial plain was formed a million years ago during the moronthesubjek age. Each blade of the grasslands that succumbed to global warming convalesced for a thousand years before dying and then took another four-hundred to turn into loam. Then the next blade died. Give a good evolutionist an old bone and he’ll date it. Older the better and most impressive. Why are many paleontologists and anthropologists single? Most women they meet are too young to date.

How to Miss Heaven Without Really Trying Someone is going to steal this original title for a book or play. Some famous Christian lady author, I’ll warrant. Well, she can have it. It’s used now, anyway. Seriously, though, a blade of grass, a tree, or a flower knows more about God than an evolutionist. These innocent creations say, “Look up.” Ask an atheist how to find God and he’ll chortle, “I didn’t know he was lost” or he will say, “Don’t bother.” The evolutionist will direct us to go stick our heads in the fossil record. These, and selective short answers like them, reveal something totally expected. Most confirmed atheists, agnostics, evolutionists, and cultists have not bothered to examine the written revelation of God. (Not all of them, of course. Isaac Asimov knew more scripture than most Christians. He wrote extensively on religious subjects. Many others, such as Joseph Campbell, have thoroughly studied and then rejected faith in Christ. We may reject their conclusions, but they, at least, had informed opinions based upon a great deal of familiarity with the Word. Charles Darwin once intended to enter the ministry; he probably knew his Bible. Without the Holy Spirit it may not have been saving knowledge . . . but that is God’s turf.)

Few of us think independently about everything. We accept much that we suppose is “a given.” After all, reading our electric meters is the electric company’s business. They are the experts. Why should we read them? Wait! Maybe we’d better do a little independent thinking about that, after all. True. We scrutinize money matters, since money matters matter. How about foreign and domestic policies coming out of Washington DC? The current hubbub is about wiretapping civilians. Why can’t we just trust “Big Brother” to do the right thing by us? I really like my current president,” and we had better get the lowdown on terrorists before they strike again. Problem is, the liberals aren’t the only ones talking nervously about wiretapping. When my current “big brother” leaves office, we may get a bad “big brother” or—woe to America—a certain big sister. Thinking independently means examining everything that presents itself as indisputable, especially if it whacks you in the head if you talk back.

Finally to the upshot. Opinions aren’t equal. We hear informed ones, misinformed and uninformed ones. Respectively, we could call these good ones and bad ones. The old adage holds: Consider the source. When the opinions focus on what life means, where we go after we die, what truth is, who God is, we ought to interact with senses all aquiver. Consider it the same with our reading or perusal of websites. Any Larry, Curly or Moe can give an opinion about existential issues. What is the opinion worth? Does the spokesman know his or her stuff? If the historical accuracy of the Bible is at issue, is it a good use of time to listen to someone who rejects it out of hand without reading it? Same with the Koran. Same with the Book of Mormon. No use to ask D. R. Daniels about them. Those who have researched these books are better sources of that kind of information.

If a reader of this article chooses to talk with someone committed to spending his life for the Kingdom of Christ, who regards the Bible more highly than any other book ever written, who has studied it as much as many other Christian teachers, then I’d enjoy sharing Biblical insights with that reader . . . or I can refer her or him to a host of others who employ their faith to more avail. Better still, read the Christian Bible (with an open mind) for yourself.

Don’t be duped by some opinionated super duper. You can know the truth that will set you free. Try God’s Word. Taste it and you will see the difference. John 1 is a good place to start.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

The Best of Three

Christian, Jewish or Islamic

The best choice is obvious when we examine the origins of each faith. The Jewish faith denies its own scriptures that plainly prophecy the coming of the Messiah. He fulfilled the Old Covenant magnificently. Instead of the raw violence of liberation, he brought forgiveness, joy, love, and miracles. Once we read in the New Testament about his coming to earth as a baby, his sinless life, crucifixion, and resurrection, and then we go back to examine the older scriptures based on all he did, even a fool (according to the Bible) shouldn't fail to see he was the promised Messiah, the 100% man/100% God, who fulfilled all the requirements of prophet, priest and king. One has to close his eyes and shut his ears not to recognize him.

The Islam faith is revisionist, reactionary and bewildering. It was not Ishmael whom God spared from beneath the knife of Abraham. It was Isaac. It was not Mohammed who walked the pages of the New Testament healing the blind, opening the ears of the deaf and raising the dead back to life. It was Jesus Christ. Billions of people have relegated the only Savior and Lord to a minor role. Many of them try to enforce their wrong choice on others through terrorism. The non-violent majority are to be commended for not following suit. Wisdom should dictate that a prophet born out of season can always be superceded by another prophet born out of season. It could even be someone who brags that he has received the baton from his predecessor.

The apostles gave all the glory to Christ. They would not make themselves anything. They would not urge anyone to lift them up alongside the dearest name of all. The apostle Paul, who said he was born out of season, made sure those trying to follow him were redirected to the Son of God, Jesus Christ. Peter never promoted himself as one religious sect has promoted him. He never considered himself the foundation of the church. There is only one foundation, one cornerstone, one name through whom people can be saved. It is upon Peter's profession of Christ that the true church is built. When we confess our sins before God and believe in our hearts that Christ went to the cross for us and paid the penalty for our sins, when we ask him to come into our hearts as our only Lord and Savior, we are making the good profession same as Peter did. Each of us is the church individually. When we assemble, we are the church corporately.

Christ comes behind nobody. The idea the Son of God is less than Mohammed is preposterous. The idea that Jesus is only equal to Mohammed is equally preposterous. Mohammed,like Mary or Peter or Paul was totally earthly and needed a Savior. Jesus was sinless and paid the penalty for their sins and ours.

Not only Islam and Jewish faiths are sadly in error, but all sects and cults who trust in latter day extrabiblical--or other biblical--prophets and scions are wide of the mark. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is a completed Trinity. Nothing can be added or substracted to that power and authority. God has communicated His complete will for the peoples of the earth in his Old and New Testaments. It is not in the Koran, The Pearl of Great Price, The Book of Mormon, Russel's JW Torqued KJV, The Talmud, The Apocrypha,The Origin of the Species, or The New York Telephone Book of individual opinions. The complete Truth of God is most certainly not found in blogs like this or in all of cyberspace put together--unless we find a complete online Bible and adhere to it.

"God is not mocked." The only way to the true God is via the door of the true Son, Jesus Christ. The big gate of mega-religions which deny Christ alone as the sole way of salvation opens onto a wide boulevard to eternal darkness. Many go that way. "There are (many) ways that seem right to a man, but the ends thereof are destruction."

This article has not been written to ridicule or demean. "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." We are not saved by a church, or through following a man or woman made in the flesh as we are. Nor do we come to God through an act of human will. It is all of God. He loves every one of us and is not willing that anyone should be lost. The plan of redemption is founded on God's love for us. Please seek him while there is time.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Universal Fringes

Universal Fringes

All those luminosities
Overawe the mind of man
Who longs to touch all he sees,
But he has a mortal span

And looks up longingly
At planets, stars and constellations;
Launches and probes through airy seas
To elevate the nations.

With Your blood, my Lord,
You paid the passage rare,
Since we could no way afford
To share in Your glory there.

Beyond this first heaven,
Though ours be time and space
Eternity without end,
Home is to see Your face.


Large Picts from Top:

No.1 This shows Martian landscape resembling the cratered moon. Because of the many impacts, the scientists theorize millions and millions of years. The edges of the craters aren't worn down. We have craters within craters. Obviously, each major impact should produce a tremendous amount of dust that should obliterate and soften crater edges. There is only evidence of a great number of impacts. They could have happened close together, even within decades or thousands of years. That agrees pretty well with Walt Brown's theory that ice and rock thrown out by the earth during the Great Flood, may have caused the "damage" we see here. To me, It looks like a young solar system after all

No.2 This second picture is evidence of an enormous amount of solid carbon dioxide/ice in the form of a Martian polar cap. Looks like some wierd mountain-climbing country. The "ice" must be thousands of feet high if we figure we are actually seeing the curvature of Mars. So much carbon dioxide must have originated from a lot of water. Where is the water and where did it come from?

No. 3 Floating plates look something like ice shapes in a sea such as we find here on earth. These may not have evaporated on Mars because of the heavy coating of dust covering the expanses. The scarcety of craters is presumed to mean a relatively young Martian landscape. We notice how different this is from the first picture. It is best to discount any guesses about the Martian surface based on presuppositions. Evolutionists consistently interpret phenomena through gradual uniform processes over millions and billions of years. Creationists go back to a six day creation and cataclysmic changes. Incredible extremes of force, heat, cold, pressure, stress, friction, velocity are often discounted by evolutionists. It all starts with whether the beholder trusts man for his science (who wasn't there in the beginning) or trusts God who spoke everything into existence.

No4 The criss-crossed segmented looking picture seems to have no rhyme or reason. God only knows for sure why it looks like this. It could be from upheaval from beneath the Martian crust akin to how our mountains were pushed upward. Evidently it adds nothing to the search for water on and beneath the Martian crust, but it intrigues us earthlings.

No.5 The dry looking terrain with the small rocks scattered everywhere is another waterless-looking feature of this solar system neighbor. Actually, it may something important, though. It doesn't look like there was a global sea of water covering Mars in the beginning like there was on earth.

*Please look at other pictures of Mars further down in the entire blog. They clearly show evidence of vast amounts of water that have disappeared from the Martian surface.


If the water didn't come locally from beneath the ground on Mars, perhaps the few places showing evidence of past massive amounts of water washing across the surface were a result of great comets (now known to be comprised of ice and dust), and ice bearing meteors plummeting down with payloads of water. It is best to recall that rock, sediment, dust, and water escaping the earth's atmosphere would freeze to almost absolute zero in the near vacuum of space. Dispersed material would tend to clump as it traveled through space, based on the law of gravity, to form larger rock and ice masses. Even asteroids, once thought to be great chunks of dense rock, may be huge bodies with a relatively low mass. The writer of In the Beginning: compelling evidence for the creation and the flood, predicts mining the asteroids for heavy metals will be a waste of time since these bodies originated from back here inside the earth. Sound strange? So does a worldwide flood in which the floodgates of heaven and the fountains of the deep opened up just a few thousand years ago. If we think about molten rock from volcanos spewing high into the atmosphere and covering hundreds of square miles with magma and ash, we might try imagining compressed water, rock, and steam from miles beneath the surface of the earth rupturing up through the crust. Evidence of a worldwide flood is all around us. God's Word says it is true. Water abode above the tops of all the mountains. The world's surface churned and swirled, mountains were thrust up, valleys formed, all but a few people and animals survived God's wrath against sin.

Other articles at the Quill and Crowbar blogsite deal with the question about a literal interpretation of Genesis. The only thing more incredible than this is the fantastic idea of evolution through billions and billions of years to bring living organisms from nothing--no designer, no design, no purpose, no love, no future, no meaning, chaos, hopelessness, dust to dust and fear of deathl.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Life is Short

Life is Short

One insurance co. has the slogan, Life comes at you fast. This fragile life also passes the same way. News reporters, trained to tell a story straight, without personal input or amendment, must sometimes violate this code of journalism. The tragedy seems too deep, the significance for society too shocking for any human being to endure it without comment. Reporters must demarcate the story from events of lesser impact. Though nothing really new may happen under the sun, things frequently strike us right where we live. What kind of reporter could calmly tell us about the World Trade Towers going down, or of Mt. St. Helens raining down destruction? Back in November of 1963 when Oswald shot and killed John F. Kennedy in Dallas, newspeople registered the grim news with stricken emotions. After the murder of Bobby Kennedy, I recall one benumbed anchor saying simply, Life is short. Who can argue with that?

We live for a handsbreadth of time; life is a brief candle. Life is a poor player who struts and frets his final hour upon the stage and then is heard no more (Shakespeare). Life is a vapor, the dew of the morning gone at noon, a shattered mirror, the other cessation of winter, the last leaf on a dead tree, goldengrove unleaving, a bulldozed home, the end of the line, sunrise/sunset/, the last playful move of a puppy grown old, a clock ticking away the beats of my heart . . . stopped still, never to go again . . . . Life is the Ghost of Christmas Future pointing to the place next to the fireplace where Tiny Tim's crutches stand.

Some Christians say death is our greatest missionary. They mean, of course, that people take a lively interest in their approaching deaths. Don't we all? Most people grow somber as they think about drawing their last breath. Some change the subject when we tell them this life is just a training camp for the next. Praise God! The redeemed may just smile at us and say, I'm looking forward to going home.

Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly. He reminds us of the brevity of this life, but he points the way to eternal joy. He overcame death when he rose from the grave. When we place our faith in him, death need no longer frighten us. He shows us we were dead when he makes us alive. This doesn't change the sadness we feel about all the death and decay around us here and now. Many of us agonize over the blighting of God's perfect creation. We want to see something left for our posterity. More importantly, we have friendships begun on earth that will end at the grave because loved ones choose the wrong path.

A jarring thing happened this week. About a thousand people died in a ship crossing the Red Sea. Many had worked in Arabia. They anticipated reaching their own homes in a short time to rejoin their families. East or west, north or south, the heartache is still the same. In a few days the networks and newspapers will bury others in the spaces used for these deaths. The media will cover more timely things. The caravan of death is opaque at the front and translucent farther back, then it disappears. At the graveside a minister may intone, And now ________ belongs to the ages. This means nothing. It is the big eraser to help us get on with the living task of forgetting. Whether Christian or non-christian dearly departed, we survivors go on with the business of living. Question is, "Will it be the abundant life?" The answer depends upon our relationship with the Son of God. That's all that really matters.

Friday, February 03, 2006

A Good Dad (Q and C Poem)

A Good Dad (Q and C Poem)

He always treated folks square,
Had respect from all those around.
I wish I could impress on you,
Draw up from down inside,
All this man among men,
My dad, has meant to me.


From Out the Dust (Q and C Poem)

From Out the Dust (Q and C Poem)

If my face from the east would bring on day
Screaming forth my name in passion’s play,

My glory dashing twixt pole and pole
As I wow my vassals with my popish role,

And all the world should rise my warmth to honor
And labor lives away for a degree of my favor,

But live without you, friend, to tender me a hand,
Whose love springs from the heart not by command;

If all this universe and its fame were mine
And such possession drew between us a line,

Then shrivel these hands that mound up treasure;
Let embalmers come and take my measure.


Go (Q and C Poem)

Go (Q and C Poem)

Go with His commission, go.
Christ said “Go” then said “Lo,
I am with you always.”
Go in prayer, go to share
Good News beyond compare;
Go highways and byways.

Why tarry so beside the road?
Jesus packs your heavy load,
And He it is who lifts you.
Go. What is your constraint?
Warriors were not trained to faint.
Gospel feet, go quickly.

Do just what the Savior said.
He who raised those humble dead
Now reigns in you to raise mankind.
Go boldly out into the world,
Where Satan’s fiery darts are hurled.
Christ is stronger. Trust Him.

Good soil awaits the Living Word
Tents of ease must be deferred.
Christ rewards our toil.
For God will send the latter rains
To soften up the loam again.
Love even grows in winter.

Go. March upon the gates of Hell
That open wide its jaws to swell,
And shout “Your slaves surrender!”
Angels high applaud the show
When saints turn out to face this foe.
What earthly power can hinder?

The Holy Spirit craves the Word
Genesis to Revelation heard.
Why tarry we here longer?
Since God brings all His truth to pass
Let fear of man be dead at last:
Our awesome God is stronger.


Thursday, February 02, 2006

Persecution in Asia

Any modern-day religion or sect within a religion that advocates violence as a means of promoting that belief system is wholly bankrupt. Here is an example in which a few adherents of the Hindu religion do just that. A willful disregard for people and property is a sign of cultic faith. Such behavior is not, of course, characteristic of traditional Hindu beliefs.

Subject: Fw: [GFA Urgent Prayer] Missionary Kidnapped

Dear family--

Please see the message below from the president of Gospel for Asia (the organization through which our family is donating $$ to have a well dug). Some of the native missionaries over there are in serious trouble, and perhaps also the few that we support, although we're not sure of that.

Mindy & Rob

-----Forwarded Message-----
>From: DR KP Yohannan
>Sent: Feb 1, 2006 9:20 PM
>>Subject: [GFA Urgent Prayer] Missionary Kidnapped
>[GFA Urgent Prayer] Missionary Kidnapped
>Dear Robert,
>It is my sad duty to share with you the news that one of our Gospel for Asia native missionaries has been kidnapped by terrorists in the Indian state of Chhattisgarh.
>Pastor Subhash, a young single missionary who has already started five mission stations with 28 believers, was returning home in a taxi with five other people--but they never reached their destination.
>Yesterday, Subhash's parents received a letter that said he had been kidnapped by an extremist Marxist group known as the Naxalites. The letter did not mention any ransom or other demand, but did ask that Subhash's parents "help in order to secure his safe release."
>This latest incident comes in a week in which we have received reports of more than two dozen of our native missionaries and Bible college students being badly beaten in Bihar and Madhya Pradesh. It also comes as hundreds of thousands of Hindus are planning to swarm into a tribal area of Gujarat in order to persecute the Christians living there.
>Please pray for Subhash's safe release. Pray also for his parents, that God will be with them through this ordeal. And please join me and the rest of the GFA family in praying for all of our persecuted brothers and sisters across South Asia who are suffering at the hands of anti-Christian elements.
>Yours for the lost of Asia,
>K.P. Yohannan
>Gospel for Asia
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